Geneva Schlabach Geneva Schlabach

Navigating the Ever-Evolving Landscape of Healthcare Finance Insurance Claim Trends

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and one crucial aspect that directly impacts patients, healthcare providers, and insurance companies is the world of healthcare finance insurance claims. As new technologies, regulations, and payment models emerge, it is essential to stay informed about the latest trends shaping the healthcare finance landscape. In this blog post, we will explore some of the current trends in healthcare finance and the implications for all stakeholders involved.

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Geneva Schlabach Geneva Schlabach

Unraveling the Distinction: Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning

In the realm of technology, terms like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) often get used interchangeably. While they are related concepts, it is crucial to understand the key differences between AI and ML. In this blog post, we will delve into the distinctions between artificial intelligence and machine learning, shedding light on their definitions, capabilities, and how they work together to drive innovation.

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Geneva Schlabach Geneva Schlabach

Transforming Healthcare Finance: Unleashing the Potential of AI

The healthcare finance industry plays a critical role in managing the complex financial landscape of healthcare organizations. With the rise of technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize healthcare finance, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. In this blog post, we will explore the vast potential of AI in the healthcare finance industry and how it can transform operations, improve decision-making, and enhance overall financial performance.

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Geneva Schlabach Geneva Schlabach

Prediction is Power: The Truth About What is AI, Really

At one point the words, “or whatever term you want to use,” were spoken, implying that RPA and AI/ML are the same thing. They are not. While RPA tools sometimes make use of AI, they in and of themselves are not AI anymore than my laser measuring tool is a hammer.

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Geneva Schlabach Geneva Schlabach

How We Started

In summer of 2019, a group of veteran healthcare experts, technologists, and business leaders sat in a board room and agreed “there has to be a better way for organizations to follow up on insurance claims.”

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